Tag Archives: resolution

51 Weeks remain

It appears the sliding of wires through my fleshy grey matter has adjusted my ability to control my impulses. Depending on your perspective I am more fun, confident, decisive and brave; or rash, childish, impatient and reckless. Internally, I’m still just me – though in a continual tug of war between anxiety and determination; shame and vulnerability.

And so, making grandiose plans for 2021 is likely not the wisest choice for me at this point in time, but then…YOLO.

So with some external inspiration from a young middle-eastern chap on insta (@the_spare_minute_runner) I figured I’d start a fundraising effort with the Michael J Fox foundation where I’ve committed to completing high intensity fitness training every day this year.

Now, Parkinson’s disease in a nutshell is the brain’s inability to produce dopamine. We use dopamine for motor control and cognition, and it is one of the chemicals that drive motivation. Given all of this, my ‘New Years resolution’ may have been a little outside my realm of possibility – so I am looking for your support to be my dopamine, and motivate me to get through this. 

I’ve had great support to get me through the first week of the year, already running, riding boxing and lifting weights, at a level I haven’t for years. I know my family, my ‘Parkinson’s pals’ and the crew at ‘Brain and Body Fitness Studio’ are in my corner. A quick message or shoutout like this…

…really makes a huge difference to get me going, so thanks!

If you’d like to donate to the cause as well or instead of having a crack at some high intensity training, please do visit my fundraising page – 100% of funds go to research towards Parkinson’s treatments and ultimately a cure.

If you could please smash the like and share buttons – as usual awareness is key if we are going to make a difference!