Tag Archives: shaky

Too much coffee?

It began with a tremor that visited so briefly and has not yet returned. The taste of my third cup of coffee was beginning to go stale at the back of my throat, reminding me both that my children were waiting and, of course, to fetch a mint on my way out. 

Before the keyboard smoke could form an ember, I polished off the final paragraph of the newsletter. As my right hand began autopiloting the save process; my left hand entered it’s own private disco. It rocked rapidly back and forth of its own accord. I thrashed my arm up and down as though I may have had a deadly spider poised to inject it’s toxins into the back of my hand. As I relaxed my arm my hand came to rest on its familiar place on the keyboard. The bizarre moment had passed. ‘Time for a caffeine detox!’ I thought as  I noticed the ever growing pile of mugs on my desk.

I scooped them up and moved them to the sink in the staff room (A terrible habit that I am forever in trouble for, as the dishwasher is only inches further. There are some challenges I seem unable to fix!) I grabbed my bag and rushed out of the office. A niggling cough, interrupting my general call of ‘Goodbye’ to anyone who was within range.